Saturday, April 27, 2019

Tips for a healthy family trip

Whether for pleasure or for work, travel subjects us to various factors that can alter our well-being. Depending on the chosen destination and individual health history, it is advisable to take into account the following aspects in order to ensure a healthy itinerary:

Ideas for a healthy family travel

1) It is fundamental to be informed about the place of the trip: the geography, the climate, the available medical services, the existence of drinking water, the endemic diseases or existing epidemiological outbreaks, etc.

2) It is always advisable to consult a doctor or a traveler's medical service, even when there are no symptoms or specific ailments, to inform us about the precautions and preventive measures to be taken. It is also advisable to make a dental consultation, in order to avoid any discomfort during the trip.

3) It is very important to get the vaccines and/or take the prophylactic medication indicated by the doctor, according to the place of destination and the particular situation (age, gestation, pre-existing illness, etc.).

4) Carry the medication that is usually taken in the necessary quantity and a medical prescription with the original drugs. In the case of using glasses, contact lenses or hearing aids, it is also recommended to bring a couple of more and a prescription from the specialist.

5) Include among the documentation, an identification card about the illnesses you suffer from and the list of medicines that cause allergies.

6) Take out health insurance and check the health care services at your destination.

7) Wear clothing that is appropriate for the climate of your destination.

8) Prepare a travel kit, including additional elements that the medical professional may recommend according to the destination.